Sharing the work of IfGIC on the Celebrate Life Festival in Oberlethe

On the 7th of August the Institute for Global Integral Competence presented their work during the Celebrate Life Festival 2015 with Thomas Hübl, where every year hundreds of participants interested in conscious work are gathering in Oberlethe to exchange and practice with one another. The presentation took place as a parallel presentation of different projects supported by the spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl. About 20 people came to experience more about the work of IfGIC on: how to bring spirituality into the education system especially into the universities and about the Forum 2015, which will take place from the September the 17th untill the 20th in Munich. Some of the participants have been working in the university context themselves and were interested in cooperation with our Institute. Others were trainers who wanted to contribute in different ways to our projects in the areas of Health, Wealth and Peace. Furthermore, we also gained some participants for the Forum in Munich.
We are very happy to have met all those people and we are looking for new possibilities of working and co-creating the future together.
Marion Weber