Cooperation meeting in Estonia

August 2023 – participating in the 5-day exchange with professionals from other countries was an enriching experience that helped to broaden my horizons and provided opportunities for future collaboration. The main objective of the exchange was to build partnerships and plan future collaboration in the field of women empowerment and leadership. We discussed potential joint courses and curriculum development and created a program and agenda for a future visit.
During the exchange, we were able to share our experiences and expertise, and learn from the experiences of our colleagues. We explored the challenges faced by women in different parts of the world and shared best practices in leadership development. We also discussed potential areas for collaboration, such as joint research projects, student exchanges, and joint curriculum development.
The exchange was an opportunity to build trust and establish personal relationships with colleagues from different countries, which is essential for successful collaboration. We were able to develop a deeper understanding of the cultural and social contexts in which our colleagues work, and this knowledge will be invaluable in our future collaborations.
The exchange culminated in the creation of a program and agenda for a future visit, which will focus on curriculum development and joint course offerings. We identified areas of expertise and interest, and worked together to create a detailed agenda that includes presentations, workshops, and site visits. We also discussed the logistics of the visit, including travel arrangements, accommodation, and funding.
Overall, the 5-day exchange was a valuable experience that helped to establish strong partnerships and lay the groundwork for future collaboration. The exchange provided an opportunity to share our experiences and expertise, build personal relationships, and develop a detailed program and agenda for a future visit. I am confident that the partnerships and collaborations that we established during the exchange will lead to significant advancements in the field of women empowerment and leadership.
Dr. Anna Storck
The Cooperation Meeting in Tallinn was as part of teaching or training activities orgenized in the context the Erasmus Plus Project funded by the EU.